Blue Rage

So i've been obsessing  over baggy denim lately. Shorts, pants, shirts, you name it. I found these perfect shorts from One Teaspoon called the  Fiasco Superfreaks . They have them in the front zip-ups and the front tie-ups. Both equally as aWsOmE. Is it just me or are knee-length denim shorts becoming a new trend? Almost like bremuda shorts we used to wear in elementary/middle school? The 90's are back people!!! (And i'm loving it). If anyone knows me you know I have to pair almost every outfit I wear with high tops. These sneakers have become my new faves out of my high top collection (which continues to grow daily it seems). I should probably chill just a tad with the amount of times I wear them though. Currently on the look out for some low-top sneakers if anyone has some suggestions!  I am also sporting one of the MMD Designs handmade pave diamond necklaces... aka my moms little jewelry line. Her pieces are to-die-for and i'm not just saying that ...